Sunday, May 4, 2008

And now for a Gurley update....

Well there are lots of things going on over here in the Gurley house, we have boxes everywhere, and hopefully will be moving them all by the end of next week...We have been supposed to get our house for like the last 3 weeks, but we keep getting stalled up, the appraiser, the loan people, grr.....but we should be good this week... We plan on taking a few days to paint and pull up the carpet to check out the hardwood floors. From what we have seen the floors are beautiful and wont requrie refinishing, but we dont know for sure. I can't wait to get it!Photobucket
As for Jason, he just had his nine month appointment, he is 17lbs 3 oz and 27 1/2 inches, the doctor said he is a little short and light, but proportined nicely.Photobucket
He loves, Momma:), playing in his sisters room, and just Kara in general. He loves to walk and gets mad when you stop holding his hands and helping him. He is getting more and more brave and is trying standing with out holding on.
Kara, wow shes going to be 3 in just 3 weeks... and she is so smart, she can count, in english and spanish (thanks Dora), and loves jt as much as he loves her. She will walk him around all day, bring him toys, binkies, and always shake his bottle. She loves coloring and is starting to get it more inside the lines. She also loves playing baseball. She can hit really well (thanks Jed) so I think that a t-ball set is in store for her birthday. Nap time is becoming more of a fight, here she is asleep, after like one minute of screaming that she didn't want to take a nap.Photobucket
As for me I have taken up running, and currently try to do 2 miles a day. I am trying to train for the 6 mile turkey trot by then, so if you want to do it too let me know. Its fun, and I love the challenge. Well I got to go pack more boxes... See ya'll later, next post will hopefully be from the new place....


Shorty said...

My sister ran the Turkey Trout last year. She said it was a blast and is training to do another Marathon too. I don't think she had decided which one.
Love the napping picture! Can't wait for you guys to get into your house! Let me know if we can do anything for you!