Sunday, January 20, 2008

My little pony's live!

Well after much thought, I decided to take Kara to the my little pony show. I wasn't sure if she would like it, or freak out or just be generally crazy becasue it was during nap time.Photobucket But I figured might as well try, well I am so glad that I did! She loved it! We got there and got our tickets, and Kara was being so funny!Photobucket They handed out tea cups to all the kids to help with the show, and Kara was excited!Photobucket We were waiting for the show to start and some kids started getting star wands, and Kara turns to me and say "Momma, I forgot my magic" and she looks like she is about to cry. So I said do you want to get a magic wand? and she of course said yes! So we go out to the lobby and I am praying that they aren't $30 or some thing. Well it was $10 so I got it. And it was worth the smile on her face.Photobucket
Then the show started, and they said, if you want to dance, dance if you want to sing, sing....So Kara took advantage of these inivitations. And she loved watching it.Photobucket Then it was break time and we shared a hot dog. Photobucket But they didn't have tables so Kara set it on the ground and some mustard driped...oops.
Before we knew it the show was over!Photobucket We had such a great time. I was so glad we went. (Plus I got to play with all the new features on my camera.) And on the way home Kara, was asleep before we got to the freeway!Photobucket