Monday, November 5, 2007

A pirate, and a duck oh my!

Well we just had Jason's first halloween! It was a fun time! We went to Jen's house to get all the kid's pictures in their coustumes. Jason was wearing Kara's first coustume
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, so he was a duck. Kara was a pirate
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, yet she looked like a gypsy, because the hat never stayed on and she wouldn't wear the earring. We also had the Chesire cat (Anna), a cute dragon (Jackson), a pink poodle (Bella), a mermaid (Tessa), and a roster (Wesley). While Kara was not into taking pictures she prefured to throw toys down Jens stairs and take a nap in Bella's bed. AGH!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketSo we got some cute pictures of the kids napping on each other.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAnd then we headed home picked up daddy, and went to Grandma and Papa Haynes (Tims Parents) house. There we got to see Lilly and Raina dressed as fairys. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAnd Kara practiced her trick-or-treating and realized that she was getting candy. After that we went to Kimberlys and trick-or-treated, then it was off to Grandma Nina's appartment building. There was about 10 older ladies sitting in the common room that all had treats. Kara was quite popular. We heard later that a couple of them commented that the weren't going up to their appartments until Kara had come. And Kara didn't fail to entertain, she said "Argh Trick-or-Treat, give me candy! Please!"
After that it was to my parents and then around to the neighborhood by them. After the first couple houses she started going to doors by her self (us hanging back a little) it was so cute to see her knock on the doors and thank people. After she was done at one house she would say, "I want to go to another!" or "I want to get more candy!". Sometimes she would end up with other kids at a door and she would try to help hand out the candy people would give it to her and she would give it to the other kids. One time she chased down a little boy because he only got one piece and she wanted him to have two.
All in all it was such a fun day with Kara crashing practicly as soon as we got home. I guess candy does that to you.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Jessica said...

Your Halloween sounds fun. I can't wait till Wesley is a little older and his personality comes out... yet I want him to stay my baby. I can't decide what I want. He is growing up no matter what...

Shorty said...

Did Jason just sleep through the whole thing? Just wait until you have two kids running up to the doors. That will probably be next year. I think we should get the cousins together at Christmas too. And take pics of them all dressed up. That would be so cute.