Saturday, August 23, 2008

Boredum+kids are napping, brought about these thoughts

*I love project runway, they can do a show with drag queens and I am still interested. Seriously what other show could do one and I would be like I can't wait to see what they do? And one is named hedda lettuce? Funny...

*Why do guys who drive Lexus' think that its alright to park in handicaped spots? Is it because they spent so much on that car that it permanently hurt their wallets?

*I am going to miss watching the Olympics all day and all night every day, but maybe then I will get some more sleep.

*Did you know it takes more calories to digest celery than are in it? Too bad I like peanut butter or spinach dip on mine.

*Jason is cutting a new tooth, a molar I think so he wines sometimes in the middle of the night prompting me to get up, then I end up watching the Olympics... But I do wonder is it possible that men don't hear their children crying in the middle of the night? Although Thursday night I was up for 2 hours and I was praying that the kids would sleep till 8:00 so I could sleep later and would you know it, but Tim got up with them?

*Did you know that I got cute jeans, for me today, at JC Penny's for $1.59 that's including the tax? Score!

*Giants are going to beat on Jet Farve here in just a few minutes, I hate to admit but I am excited for football season to start.

*What I am not excited about is Madden, Tim gets so into the games that, sometimes I wonder if he would notice that the house was burning down around him. Case in point, the guy he was playing 2 days ago called him when the game was over and said he had just gone outside and someone had stolen his car while he was playing. (this was like in LA or something).

*I love that whenever I go to the store and plan on baking something that I have to buy brown sugar because I am not sure if I have any. I was just making muffins and saw at least 3 unopened packages. Same with powdered sugar. But I never think maybe I need flour, sugar or eggs, and those are the things I never have when I want to make cookies.

*Everyday Kara asks to go to, the gym, the bounce houses, the mall (she loves that play area) and chuck e cheese. I think that is in hopes of getting one Last weekend we were at the mall and Kara spun the wheel at one of the booths and won a month of free gymnastics classes. I can't wait to have her go and have fun!


Jessica said...

This was fun to read:)